My brother-in-law left his office to return home one evening. On the way, his friend called him and invited him over for a cup of tea and samosas! This was an offer he could not refuse.
As he passed an intersection close to his friend’s office, his car crashed into the fork of that intersection. A nearby sabzi wala witnessing the accident rushed to help. He found his phone and called the last number on his dialled list. It was my brother-in-law’s office number.
Fast forward , my husband got a call from his sister-in-law who could only convey to the effect that your brother had had a terrible accident and that they were rushing him to the hospital.
Moon bhai, as we affectionately called him, was put on the ventilator. He had a major heart stroke, and a blood clot resulted in a brain stroke as well.
All this happened within a matter of seconds. My husband frantically tried to catch the next flight to Lahore, where the accident had taken place.
Amidst all the chaos, we were constantly shedding tears and praying for his life. Unfortunately, he lived only for another three days. More complications and heart strokes followed, which led to his demise.
When you are hit with such a colossal devastation, you start to THINK!!!
What am I doing with my own life?
Our whole life is neatly categorised into micro and macro plans for the next 10, 20, and 30 years. An immense amount of responsibilities in various roles shape our lives. We tend to live in a constant state of rush.
The thing is, are we heading in the right direction? You can be diligent and responsible, you never fall short on your deadlines, you are filled with motivation, but if you have a wrong map, you will never reach your destination regardless.
Take a moment to reflect on your own vulnerability as a human being. Are you ready to depart this world?
Before embarking on vacation, we make sure everything is planned immaculately. Our suitcase is packed with all the stuff we will be needing. The tickets and hotels and other travel arrangements are sorted. Still, we have an uneasy feeling that we might forget something.
Do I have this kind of discipline and motivation when it comes to my inevitable eternal journey?Have I packed enough zhikr, salah, fasts, good morals, and manners? Have I thoughtfully prepared for the questions, to which Allah (SWT) our Creator has already given us the answer key?
Am I ready to be handed my book of deeds, which would wipe away all my tears and hurt and hardships that I endured in this world?
Am I absolutely ready?
Contributed by : Birjees Mobin Bashir